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Training Team Building | Improving Job Skills to Illuminate the Career Path


Spring is gradually deepening, and the city is bustling with flowers. A wave of learning is slowly unfolding in this vibrant scenery. The company has organized multiple employee safety training and skill training sessions, aiming to enhance employees' awareness of job safety, motivate them to learn skills, cultivate excellent professional talents, enhance emotions and communication among employees, and enhance team cohesion.


Recently, various departments of the company organized marketing skills training, employee safety training, and employee skill exams. The training focused on the goals and key points of ideological quality, skill improvement, and safety production. In order to comprehensively improve the practical operation level and job skills of frontline employees, we need to constantly review and learn, keep up with the times, and continuously improve and break through ourselves. "Chairman Hu Zhourong emphasized.

On April 22nd, all employees of the company participated in the outdoor team building activity of Yanshan Lake. In the Yanshan Lake surrounded by green mountains, clear water, and cloud mountains, we embarked on a fun activity and a beautiful journey of sightseeing. In this expansion activity, the teacher designed fun games such as Challenge 150, Blind Square, Roman Cannon, etc. Each employee was able to actively participate, provide suggestions for their team, actively practice, and ultimately completed the task excellently. The entire learning process has made us realize the importance of team command, communication, coordination and cooperation abilities, which has further expanded our horizons, broadened our horizons, and broadened our thinking.


This spirit of teamwork, overall awareness, and service spirit, I hope what we have learned today can be applied to future work. "Vice General Manager Li Xinguo summarized:

1. Strengthen communication and coordination. It is inevitable to have disputes and frictions in the work. You should learn to think about problems from the other side's position, carry out empathy thinking, master working methods, and reflect on your own shortcomings and problems.

2. Strengthen collaboration and mutual assistance. All members should have division of labor and collaboration in their work, be able to support each other, promote teamwork spirit, and strengthen cooperation and cooperation with other members while doing their job well.

3. Unity and trust. Every member should have a positive attitude and trust each other. As an employee of a company, everyone's work is not isolated, and requires cooperation, communication, and sharing between each other. Every task should be regarded as a training and improvement for oneself.



Grinding a knife does not miss the skill of chopping firewood. Successful training brings us rich knowledge, innovative thinking, and profound enlightenment and thinking. It is like a beacon, illuminating and guiding us forward in future job positions.